The physical body is the vessel through which we heal the soul & the soul the vessel by which we heal the Lightbody.

Fundamental Training (3-days)
£1975 (deposit of £950 is required 6-weeks prior)
Resit fee: £450
This training is your doorway to significant change. These procedures and their teachings supports the clearing of limitations created by past experience and conditioning. This affects the entire consciousness and ways of “Be-ing” through shifting the alchemy of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy-fields.
Through this training you will:
– Learn practical procedures that tap into energies and insights that enable you to treat yourself and your loved ones.
– Learn how to raise your frequency, clear past pain and gain clarity around ongoing concerns.
– Learn how to breakdown limitations and more easily respond to the wisdom delegated by the higher-self in support of your evolution.
You are welcome to get in touch to make booking arrangements, or with any enquiries.
318 page Fundamental Training Manual.
7 x full colour templates + healing record template.
Lightbody Kit containing 77 monther tincture essences in handmade box.
Lightbody Kit book, including colour images of the Lightbody Kit crystals.
Fundamental/Advanced digital download; audio recording spoken by Alexis.

Advanced Level Training (2-days)
£1975 (deposit of £950 is required 6-weeks prior)
Resit fee: £450
When you become committed to integrating both your personal and spiritual empowerment, the Advanced Level training is the perfect next step.
This training delves into the realms of Lightbody technology; holding light and the embodiment of a new reality. Upon completion you will have the knowledge and energetic means to run a full alchemical and lightbody Transference Healing session upon yourself, friends and family.
You are welcome to get in touch to make booking arrangements, or with any enquiries.
Advanced Training Manual.
Master Christ Template Set (valued at AU$505).
5 x Platonic Solid vibrational essences.
Advanced Training certificate of completion.
Transference Healing website listing (name and contact details).
Certification to become a professional Transference Healing Practitioner.