- Releasing your potential -

With the quality of crystalline light frequencies now filtering into the ley-line/grid of our beloved planet, the ascension cycle is well underway. 

If you are guided to deepen your connection to the magic of the universe,  Transference Healing sessions include light codes and alchemical procedures for the clearing of the body’s multi-dimensional energy-field and the anchoring of the Lightbody. This in turn initiates the release (decoding) of all that is no longer necessary and enabling the light (recoding) of your soul (unique) potential.  

As the old ways continue to dissolve around us, purification of our energy-field and expanding consciousness is more crucial than ever. Whether single, a partner, parent, friend, employer or employee, our well being effects everyone we know and all that we do and it will be my pleasure to accompany and support you on the next phase of the journey. 

With no physical touch required this is pure alchemy & light frequency healing 

I am blessed to live within the environs of Glastonbury. Here within landscapes of flowing waters and lush pastures are gateways into the spiritual realms and the healing resources of this amazing planet and the universe in which we live. 

In-person” or “Absentee” sessions  available

It is suggested that you use your intuition when choosing which session on the HEALINGS page will be of most benefit to you at this time. 

Blessings, Cate xxx
